Currently Closed
The Community Mental Health (CMH) team organises and coordinates your care if you receive community-based mental health care (i.e. care outside of hospital). This includes carrying out mental hea...
This service has been added and quality assured by your local Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) and is provided, commissioned or regularly signposted to by them. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Opening times not provided
A digital hub service is offered which provides support for you to access services online. This includes access to a device, internet, a private space and any support you need getting o...
ALISS information is added and maintained by professionals, organisations and citizens living or working in local communities throughout Scotland. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Opening times not provided
Provide volunteering opportunities for all weekdays in both the garden and cafe settings, Monday to Friday led by our garden managers and cafe supervisors. Weekly health walks on Friday at 10:3...
'Claimed' ALISS information is maintained directly by the organisation, group or individual delivering the services or activities. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Currently Closed
The Health Promotion & Health Improvement Service has a key role in enabling and empowering people, groups and communities to make informed choices about their lifestyle. Topics include: exercise...
This service has been added and quality assured by your local Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) and is provided, commissioned or regularly signposted to by them. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Currently Closed
NHS Western Isles (otherwise known as Western Isles Health Board) is the organisation responsible for providing healthcare to the population of the Western Isles, which is made up of approximately...
This service has been added and quality assured by your local Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) and is provided, commissioned or regularly signposted to by them. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Opening times not provided
The Scottish Gambling Education Hub (the Hub) is a project run by Fast Forward, supporting young people’s health and wellbeing by promoting gambling education and prevention across Scotland. Thi...
'Claimed' ALISS information is maintained directly by the organisation, group or individual delivering the services or activities. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Opening times not provided
We offer expert advice on many problems facing someone today. We give advice on Benefits - Housing - Employment - Health - Legal Issues - Redundancy - Fuel Costs - Financial Health Checks - EU r...
'Claimed' ALISS information is maintained directly by the organisation, group or individual delivering the services or activities. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Opening times not provided
ARK properties are available to any person over the age of 16 regardless of their geographical location or degree of housing need. We have properties ranging from Bedsits to 4 Bedrooms. We also...
ALISS information is added and maintained by professionals, organisations and citizens living or working in local communities throughout Scotland. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Opening times not provided
Our friendly Information & Support service can support anyone affected by M.E. of any age by phone and/or email. We can help break issues down so they feel less overwhelming, and explore pr...
'Claimed' ALISS information is maintained directly by the organisation, group or individual delivering the services or activities. More information about Find a Service Directory.