Opening times not provided
Our Football Memories sessions are a partnership between the club, Alzheimer Scotland and the local care community. Led by club legend, Ross Mathie, the groups meet every Monday and e...
'Claimed' ALISS information is maintained directly by the organisation, group or individual delivering the services or activities. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Opening times not provided
The Health Information & Resources Service (HIRS) provides everyone in Ayrshire and Arran access to free health improvement materials which include:- Leaflets and posters Resource packs ...
ALISS information is added and maintained by professionals, organisations and citizens living or working in local communities throughout Scotland. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Opening times not provided
The Honest Men's Club provides a safe, comfortable and supportive environment where men aged 18 and upwards can socialise every Tuesday from 12.30pm to 2.30pm in the new Somerset Hub. The club ...
'Claimed' ALISS information is maintained directly by the organisation, group or individual delivering the services or activities. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Opening times not provided
We are a Pantry serving the central Dalkeith and Woodburn area of Midlothian. We offer a range of food, chilled and ambient products, toiletries and household cleaning items. We also provide fr...
'Claimed' ALISS information is maintained directly by the organisation, group or individual delivering the services or activities. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Opening times not provided
The Drop In is open to any young person living in the Edinburgh aged 12-21 years of age. The Drop In is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6-10pm. Each month there is a programme of...
ALISS information is added and maintained by professionals, organisations and citizens living or working in local communities throughout Scotland. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Opening times not provided
Grandmentors operates in 15+ locations across the UK and launched for the first time in Midlothian in 2023. It is widely recognised that care-experienced young people are some of the most disadvan...
'Claimed' ALISS information is maintained directly by the organisation, group or individual delivering the services or activities. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Opening times not provided
Reconnect offers support to adults and families to improve wellbeing by increasing digital and social inclusion. We offer: In-person group and one-to-one support across Edinburgh & the Lo...
'Claimed' ALISS information is maintained directly by the organisation, group or individual delivering the services or activities. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Opening times not provided
Reconnect offers support to adults and families to improve wellbeing by increasing digital and social inclusion. We offer: In-person group and one-to-one support across Edinburgh & the Lo...
'Claimed' ALISS information is maintained directly by the organisation, group or individual delivering the services or activities. More information about Find a Service Directory.