Cookies policy

Information about your browsing habits is collected when you use this website. This is done using cookies. This helps us to understand how you interact with the website. It also shows what information you’re interested in.

By using our website and agreeing to this policy, you consent for us to use cookies to collect this information in accordance with the terms of this policy.

What are cookies? 

A cookie is a small amount of data placed on your computer or mobile phone by a website. 

Cookies can be: 

  • persistent – they’re stored by your web browser and will remain valid until a set expiry date 
  • session – they’ll expire when your web browser is closed

Our cookies don’t collect or store any information that personally identifies you. 

First-party cookies – statistics 

We use the following first-party cookies to understand how visitors interact with this website:
Cookie name Expiration time Description
_ga 2 years Used to distinguish users
_gat 10 minutes Used to throttle request rate

Blocking or deleting cookies

Blocking or deleting cookies may have a negative impact on how you use this website. It could prevent some of the features from working. 

Find out how to delete cookies

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