Opening times not provided
The National Lottery Community Fund Scotland and Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA) fund the BeFriend project to help people who live in Berwickshire and Kelso who are over the age of 65 to ma...
'Claimed' ALISS information is maintained directly by the organisation, group or individual delivering the services or activities. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Currently Closed
Care Information Scotland (CIS) is a phone, webchat and website service providing information about care services for people living in Scotland... On our website you will find information about...
This service has been added and quality assured by your local NHS Board or NHS Scotland and is provided at national and/or local level. More information about Find a Service Directory.
Opening times not provided
Call companions is our telephone befriending service ensuring older people stay connected to the outside world. Call companions is available to anyone aged 75 and over who’s socially isolated an...
'Claimed' ALISS information is maintained directly by the organisation, group or individual delivering the services or activities. More information about Find a Service Directory.