August 2020


Item 1 Board Agenda Draft v6

2 pages, 60 KB | PDF

Item 3 Approved Minutes from 18 June 2020

8 pages, 274 KB | PDF

Item 6 Annual Reports and Accounts Annex 1 Agenda

1 page, 267 KB | PDF

Item 6.1 Annual Audit and Risk Committee Assurance Statement

3 pages, 111 KB | PDF

Item 6.2.1 Audit Risk Committee Annual Report to the Board 2019/20

5 pages, 416 KB | PDF

Item 6.2.2 Planning and Performance Annual Report to the Board 2019

4 pages, 137 KB | PDF

Item 6.2.3 Clinical Governance Committee Annual Report to the Board

5 pages, 409 KB | PDF

Item 6.2.4 Staff Governance Committee Annual Report to the Board

4 pages, 241 KB | PDF

Item 6.2.5 Risk Management Annual Report 2019/20

4 pages, 205 KB | PDF

Item 6.2.6 Information Governance Security Annual Report 2019/20

8 pages, 180 KB | PDF

Item 6.2.7 (1) Procurement Annual Report 2019/20

2 pages, 217 KB | PDF

Item 6.2.7 (2) Procurement Annual Report 2019/20 (B)

6 pages, 605 KB | PDF

Item 6.3 NHS24 External Audit Annual Report Final

38 pages, 1206 KB | PDF

Item 6.4 IA Annual Report 2019/20 Final 2nd August 2020

13 pages, 209 KB | PDF

Item 6.5 Significant Issues Considered to be of Wider Interest

12 pages, 1170 KB | PDF

Item 8 Exec Report to the Board August 2020

7 pages, 300 KB | PDF

Item 9.2 Service Quality Report - A Review of Key Performance

13 pages, 1448 KB | PDF

Item 9.3 (1) Board Corporate Risk Management (Cover Paper v1.0)

4 pages, 162 KB | PDF

Item 9.3 (2) Board Corporate Risk Register v0.1

6 pages, 248 KB | PDF

Item 9.4 (1) Board Strategic Risk (Cover Paper v1.1)

3 pages, 241 KB | PDF

Item 9.4 (2) Board Strategic Risk Register v1.1

3 pages, 306 KB | PDF

Item 10.1 Risk Management Strategy 2020 v0.1

12 pages, 646 KB | PDF

Item 10.2 Update on Strategic Planning Process

4 pages, 318 KB | PDF

Item 10.3 (1) Change Portfolio Update

2 pages, 399 KB | PDF

Item 10.3 (2) Change Portfolio Dashboard 31/07/20

3 pages, 465 KB | PDF

Item 10.3 (3) Governance Arrangements Summary v1.0

2 pages, 565 KB | PDF

Item 10.4 (1) Procurement Strategy 2019-2021 (2020 Update)

2 pages, 114 KB | PDF

Item 10.4 (2) Procurement Strategy 2019-2021 (2020 Update)

11 pages, 495 KB | PDF

Item 10.5 (1) NHS24 Board Communications Strategy and Delivery Plan August 2020

2 pages, 222 KB | PDF

Item 10.5 (2) Communications Strategy 2020-2024

1 pages, 33 KB | PDF

Item 10.5 (3) Comms and Engagement Plan 2020-2021

8 pages, 46 KB | PDF

Item 11.1 Board Financial Performance at July 2020

9 pages, 712 KB | PDF

Item 11.2 Workforce Dashboard Report

22 pages, 933 KB | PDF

Item 12.1 (1) Approved Minutes of Clinical Governance Committee 19/05/2020

9 pages, 197 KB | PDF

Item 12.1 (2) CGC Highlight Report 06/08/2020

2 pages, 361 KB | PDF

Item 12.2 (1) Approved Staff Governance Minutes of Meeting 25th June 2020

7 pages, 417 KB | PDF

Item 12.2 (2) Staff Governance Update to the Board 25th August 2020

3 pages, 446 KB | PDF

Item 12.3 (1) Approved Minutes Audit and Risk Committee 04/06/2020

9 pages, 202 KB | PDF

Item 12.3 (2) AR Committee Update to the Board 13/08/2020

2 pages, 287 KB | PDF

Item 12.4 (1) PPC Approved Minutes 22/05/2020

7 pages, 289 KB | PDF

Item 12.4 (2) PPC Update to the Board

2 pages, 181 KB | PDF

Item 12.5 (1) Integrated Governance Committee Update to the Board 29/06/2020

2 pages, 297 KB | PDF

Item 13.1 Final Board Committee Dates 2020-21 Final v0.5 30/07/2020

2 pages, 302 KB | PDF

Item 13.2 Draft Board Committee Dates 2021-22 v0.1 30/07/2020

2 pages, 302 KB | PDF

Item 14.1 Action Log Cover Paper

1 page, 115 KB | PDF

Item 14.2 Action Log 17/08/2020

2 pages, 27 KB | PDF