December 2021


Item 0 NHS 24 Board Agenda 16-12-21

2 pages, 145 KB | PDF

Item 3 - Unapproved Uncirculated Minutes v0.3 21-10-21

7 pages, 337 KB | PDF

Item 6 - Board Executive Report Template Collated

9 pages, 397 KB | PDF

Item 7.2 - Board Corporate Risk Mgt Cover Paper v1.0 Redacted v0.02

5 pages, 155 KB | PDF

Item 7.2 - Board Corporate Risk Register v0.02 Redacted

6 pages, 113 KB | PDF

Item 8.1 - Strategic Planning Update inc Clinical Strategy

3 pages, 351 KB | PDF

Item 8.2 - Change Portfolio Board Update Dec 2021

4 pages, 240 KB | PDF

Item 9.1- Board Corporate Performance Report Nov 2021

18 pages, 1 MB | PDF

Item 9.2 - Board Financial Performance at M7 October

6 pages, 672 KB | PDF

Item 10.1 - Approved Clinical Governance Committee 12-08-2021 Minutes

8 pages, 281 KB | PDF

Item 10.1 - Highlight Report Clinical Governance Committee 12-08-2021

2 pages, 453 KB | PDF

Item 10.2 - Approved Staff Governance Committee 29-07-2021 Minutes

6 pages, 462 KB | PDF

Item 10.2 - Highlight Report Staff Governance Committee 11-11-2021

2 pages, 299 KB | PDF

Item 10.3 - Approved Audit and Risk Committee 05-08-2021 Minutes

10 pages, 177 KB | PDF

Item 10.3 - Highlight Report Audit Risk Committee 01-11-2021

2 pages, 289 KB | PDF

Item 10.4 - Approved Planning and Performance Committee 09-08 -2021 Minutes v1

7 pages, 328 KB | PDF

Item 10.4 - Highlight Report Planning and Performance Committee 08-11-2021

2 pages, 263 KB | PDF

Item 10.5 - Approved Integrated Governance Committee 25-05-2021 Minutes

3 pages, 132 KB | PDF

Item 11.1 - Action Log December 2021

1 page, 213 KB | PDF