February 2020


Item Board Agenda DRAFT v6

2 pages, 296 KB | PDF

Item 3 APPROVED Board Minute 12 December 2019 FINAL

8 pages, 242 KB | PDF

Item 7 Exec Report to the Board - UPDATED AMGaf

9 pages, 928 KB | PDF

Item 8.2 Service Quality Report

14 pages, 180 KB | PDF

Item 9.1 (1) Blueprint for Good Governance (cover paper)AF

2 pages, 395 KB | PDF

Item 9.1 (2) NHS 24 - Corporate Governance Improvement Plan 2019-20 mm

4 pages, 134 KB | PDF

Item 9.2 (1) Board Corporate Risk Register Cover Paper v0.1

4 pages, 163 KB | PDF

Item 9.2 (2) Board Corporate Risk Register

4 pages, 222 KB | PDF

Item 10.1 (1) PAMS 2020-2025 Board Cover Paper

5 pages, 323 KB | PDF

Item 10.1 (2) PAMS 2020 - 2025 V0 2 DRAFT

40 pages, 1,170 KB | PDF

Item 11.1 Board Financial Performance at 31 December 2019

12 pages, 603 KB | PDF

Item 11.2 Workforce Dashboard Report

19 pages, 992 KB | PDF

Item 12.1 (1) CGC Highlight Report 11.02.20

2 pages, 200 KB | PDF

Item 12.1 (2) Approved GCG Minutes - 18.11.19

10 pages, 440 KB | PDF

Item 12.2 (1) Staff Governance Committee Report to the Board

2 pages, 391 KB | PDF

Item 12.2 (2) Approved Staff Governance Minutes 4 November 2019

6 pages, 152 KB | PDF

Item 12.3 (1) AR Commitee Update to the Board 170220ykdsat

2 pages, 183 KB | PDF

Item 12.3 (2) FINAL APPROVED Minutes Audit and Risk Committee- 6 November 2019 ykmmat

9 pages, 181 KB | PDF

Item 12.4 (1) PPC Update to the Board 100220ykspmmcc

2 pages, 184 KB | PDF

Item 12.4 (2) APPROVED Minutes PP Committee 221119yk1psmmc FINAL

11 pages, 184 KB | PDF

Item 13 (1) Action Log (Cover Paper)

1 page, 115 KB | PDF

Item 13 (2) Action Log 1

1 page, 121 KB | PDF

Item 14 FINAL Board-Committee Dates 2020-21 FINAL v0 4 201219

2 pages, 130 KB | PDF