April 2019


Item 1 Board Agenda V0 5 - 20190613

2 pages, 134 KB | PDF

Item 3 Draft Unapproved Board Minute 11 April 19 updated post mtg 260619

11 pages, 113 KB | PDF

Item 6 Annual Reports and Accounts Annex 1 Agenda

1 page, 16 KB | PDF

Item 6.1 Annual Audit Committee Assurance Statement Annual Report and Accounts

3 pages, 25 KB | PDF

Item 6.2.1 Audit Risk Committee Annual Report to the Board 2018.19 v.2

5 pages, 45 KB | PDF

Item 6.2.2 Finance Performance Annual Report to the Board 2018-19

4 pages, 37 KB | PDF

Item 6.2.3 CGC Annual Report to the Board v3 - amended post mtg

5 pages, 43 KB | PDF

Item 6.2.4 Revised Staff Governance Annual Report to the Board

4 pages, 36 KB | PDF

Item Annual Committee Report to the Board v2

3 pages, 33 KB | PDF

Item 6.2.5 Risk Management Annual Report 2018-19 v1 0

6 pages, 272 KB | PDF

Item 6.2.5 Risk Management Annual Report 2018-19 v1 2 - updated post mtg

6 pages, 272 KB | PDF

Item 6.3 External Audit Annual Report 2018-19 to NHS 24 Board FINAL

39 pages, 811 KB | PDF

Item 6.4 Internal Audit Annual Report NHS 24 Final (3)

17 pages, 477 KB | PDF

Item 6.5 Annual Report to SG- Reporting of Significant Issues

11 pages, 176 KB | PDF

Item 8 (1) NHS 24 Annual Review 2017-18 - Cover Paper

2 pages, 23 KB | PDF

Item 8 (2) Annual Review 18.19 NHS 24

4 pages, 1 MB | PDF

Item 9 Exec Report to the Board

8 pages, 158 KB | PDF

Item 10.2 Service Quality Report

12 pages, 408 KB | PDF

Item 10.3 (1) Board Corporate Risk Register Cover Paper v1.0

5 pages, 51 KB | PDF

Item 10.3 (2) Board Corporate Risk Register v1 0

3 pages, 39 KB | PDF

Item 11.1 SPRA Bi-Monthly Process

6 pages, 268 KB | PDF

Item 11.2 (1) Planning and Performance Update_final

4 pages, 35 KB | PDF

Item 11.2 (2) NHS 24 201920 Strategic Obj - DRAFT (2)

3 pages, 64 KB | PDF

Item 11.3 (1) Transformation Programme Cover Paper

3 pages, 87 KB | PDF

Item 11.3 (2) TTP_DRAFT PBC v1 2_to June19 Board final 130619

16 pages, 182 KB | PDF

Item 11.4 Primary Care Reform inc GPT

18 pages, 486 KB | PDF

Item 11.5 Mental Health Redesign Development Update

7 pages, 131 KB | PDF

Item 11.6 (1) Estates Cover Paper

2 pages, 21 KB | PDF

Item 11.6 (2) Estates Business Case Framework v1 0mm

16 pages, 169 KB | PDF

Item 11.7 (1) PAMS 19 20 (cover paper)

4 pages, 53 KB | PDF

Item 11.7 (2) Property and Asset Management Strategy PAMS 19 20 V0 4 Draft

12 pages, 178 KB | PDF

Item 11.8 (1) Stakeholder Engagement Framework - Cover paper

2 pages, 26 KB | PDF

Item 11.8 (2) Stakeholder Engagement Framework EMT Approved - Pre-design Version

8 pages, 304 KB | PDF

Item 11.9 (1) Comms Delivery Plan 2019-20

3 pages, 29 KB | PDF

Item 11.9 (2) Appendix 1 Communications Delivery Plan Board June 2019

7 pages, 315 KB | PDF

Item 12.1 Board Monthly Financial Performance at 31 May Final

9 pages, 184 KB | PDF

Item 12.2 Workforce Dashboard Report V0.2 - updated post Board mtg

13 pages, 477 KB | PDF

Item 12.3 NHS 24 Draft response to Sturrock Report on NHS Highland

7 pages, 49 KB | PDF

Item 13.1 (1) Approved Minutes of CG Meeting 2019-03-26

10 pages, 61 KB | PDF

Item 13.1 (2) CG Committee Update to the Board

2 pages, 43 KB | PDF

Item 13.2 (1) Approved Minutes of SG 28 March 2019

6 pages, 48 KB | PDF

Item 13.2 (2) Staff Governance Committee Report to the Board

1 page, 33 KB | PDF

Item 13.3 (1) Approved Minutes Audit and Risk Committee- 21 March 2019

10 pages, 66 KB | PDF

Item 13.3 (2) AR Committee Update to the Board 300519at

2 pages, 35 KB | PDF

Item 13.4 (1) Approved Minutes FP Committee 110319

11 pages, 94 KB | PDF

Item 13.4 (2) FP Committee 150519 Highlight to the Board yk

2 pages, 22 KB | PDF

Item 14 (1) Action Log (Cover Paper)

1 page, 61 KB | PDF

Item 14 (2) Action Log

1 page, 24 KB | PDF