June 2020


Item 1 Board Agenda DRAFT v4 11.45 start

2 pages, 60 KB | PDF

Item 3 Approved Minutes from 14 May 2020

3 pages, 33 KB | PDF

Item 7 Exec Report to the Board June 2020

7 pages, 285 KB | PDF

Item 8.2 Service Quality Report May 2020

5 pages, 948 KB | PDF

Item 9.1 (1) Board Corporate Risk Mgt Cover Paper v1.0

6 pages, 345 KB | PDF

Item 9.1 (2) Board Corporate Risk Register

9 pages, 246 KB | PDF

Item 9.2 NHS 24 Board Risk Appetite Statement 2020 V2.2

6 pages, 151 KB | PDF

Item 9.3 (1) Corporate Governance Framework Model Standing Orders

5 pages, 151 KB | PDF

Item 9.3 (2) Model-Standing-Orders-CGSG-approved-091019

13 pages, 277 KB | PDF

Item 9.4 Whistleblowing Board Update

11 pages, 381 KB | PDF

Item 9.5 (1) Integrated Governance Committee_cover paper

1 page, 107 KB | PDF

Item 9.5 (2) ToR Integrated Governance Committee_draft v0.4

2 pages, 132 KB | PDF

Item 10.1 (1) Cover paper for Board meeting June 2020

2 pages, 133 KB | PDF

Item 10.1 (2) Appendix 1 Comms Delivery Plan May 2020

10 pages, 490 KB | PDF

Item 10.1 (3) Appendix 2 Staff Engagement 2019 2020

4 pages, 285 KB | PDF

Item 11.1 Board Financial Performance at May 2020 v2

5 pages, 379 KB | PDF

Item 11.2 Workforce Dashboard Report V0 1

18 pages, 924 KB | PDF

Item 12.1 (1) CG Commitee Update to the Board

2 pages, 244 KB | PDF

Item 12.2 (1) Staff Governance Committee Highlight Report to the Board

2 pages, 376 KB | PDF

Item 12.2 (2) Approved Minutes SGC 13 February 2020

8 pages, 322 KB | PDF

Item 12.3 (1) AR Commitee Update to the Board 060420yk

2 pages, 263 KB | PDF

Item 12.3 (2) APPROVED Minutes Audit and Risk Committee- 170220ykdsat

8 pages, 172 KB | PDF

Item 12.4 (1) PPC update to the Board

2 pages, 181 KB | PDF

Item 12.4 (2) APPROVED PPC minutes 100220

10 pages, 331 KB | PDF

Item 13 (1) Action Log (Cover Paper)

1 page, 115 KB | PDF

Item 13 (2) Action Log

1 page, 16 KB | PDF

Item 14 FINAL Board-Committee Dates 2020-21 FINAL v0 4 201219

2 page, 130 KB | PDF