June 2021


Item 0 NHS 24 Board Agenda 24-02-2022

2 pages, 325 KB | PDF

Item 3 (1) Approved Board Minutes from 22nd April 2021

9 pages, 297 KB | PDF

Item 8 Exec Report to the Board June 2021

10 pages, 398 KB | PDF

Item 9.2 (1) Corporate Performance Report Cover Page May 2021

2 pages, 216 KB | PDF

Item 9.2 (2) Board Corporate Performance Report May 2021

29 pages, 2,036 KB | PDF

Item 9.3 Board Corporate Risk Register v0.6 Redacted

5 pages, 1,109 KB | PDF

Item 9.4 Redesign of Urgent Care

5 pages, 231 KB | PDF

Item 10.1 (1) 21-22 NHS 24 Remobilisation Plan Update NHS Board Cover Paper

5 pages, 131 KB | PDF

Item 10.1 (2) NHS 24 Remobilisation Plan Feedback Letter March 2021

4 pages, 171 KB | PDF

Item 10.1 (3) Remobilisation Plan on a page Final

1 page, 517 KB | PDF

Item 10.1 (4) Remobilisation Plan Summary A Final

5 pages, 2,084 KB | PDF

Item 10.2 Development of New Strategy v2

6 pages, 391 KB | PDF

Item 10.3 Change Portfolio Board Update NHS 24 Board June 2021

4 pages, 230 KB | PDF

Item 10.4 (1) Board Communications Delivery Plan Cover Paper 2021

2 pages, 130 KB | PDF

Item 10.4 (2) Comms Delivery Plan 2021-2022

9 pages, 583 KB | PDF

Item 11.1 Board Financial Performance at 31st March 2021

5 pages, 592 KB | PDF

Item 11.2 Workforce Dashboard Report Board v01

27 pages, 857 KB | PDF

Item 12.1 (1) Approved Minutes of Clinical Governance Committee 04-02-2021

7 pages, 176 KB | PDF

Item 12.1 (2) CGC Highlight Report 13-05-21

2 pages, 283 KB | PDF

Item 12.2 (1) Staff Governance Approved Minute of Meeting on 2nd February 2021

4 pages, 229 KB | PDF

Item 12.2 (2) Staff Governance Committee Highlights to the Board

9 pages, 583 KB | PDF

Item 12.3 (1) Approved Minutes Audit and Risk Committee 16-02-21 (ykat)

8 pages, 193 KB | PDF

Item 12.3 (2) AR Committee Update to the Board 03-06-21

2 pages, 289 KB | PDF

Item 12.4 (1) Approved PPC Minutes 11 Feb 2021 (acorpsmm)

5 pages, 246 KB | PDF

Item 12.4 (2) PPC Update to the Board (jtpsmm)

2 pages, 382 KB | PDF

Item 12.5 (1) Approved Minutes Integrated Governance Committee 03-12-20 (ykpsmc)

4 pages, 38 KB | PDF

Item 12.5 (2) Integrated Governance Committee Update to the Board 25-05-21 (yk)

2 pages, 283 KB | PDF

Item 13 (1) Action Log (Cover Paper)

1 page, 115 KB | PDF

Item 13 (2) Action Log

2 pages, 18 KB | PDF