NHS 24 111 Operational Statistics

NHS 24 forthcoming publication schedule

**Please note that reporting on 1st August 2024 will include new data in the operational statistics.  The data in the tables mentioned below are for the Mental Health Hub (MHH) and is a subset of data included in the overall service data in Tables 1 and 2.  The data will include:

Table 5 – Daily Data – breakdown of some Mental Health Hub key KPI measures focusing primarily on accessing service (previous 4 weeks)

Table 6 – Weekly Data – breakdown of some Mental Health Hub key KPI measures focusing primarily on accessing service (previous 13 weeks)**

NHS 24 111 Operational Statistics

25/07/2024 09:30

This release by NHS 24 provides a weekly update of key statistics relating to 111 service. The file includes a daily and weekly breakdowns of key performance measures which form part of our agreed Performance Framework monitored by Scottish Government. Information includes performance data on access to service, a breakdown of outcomes of calls and a series of visualisations showing longer trends of data.

NHS 24 111 Operational Statistics

01/08/2024 09:30

This release by NHS 24 provides a weekly update of key statistics relating to 111 service. The file includes a daily and weekly breakdowns of key performance measures which form part of our agreed Performance Framework monitored by Scottish Government. Information includes performance data on access to service, a breakdown of outcomes of calls and a series of visualisations showing longer trends of data.

NHS 24 111 Operational Statistics

08/08/2024 09:30

This release by NHS 24 provides a weekly update of key statistics relating to 111 service. The file includes a daily and weekly breakdowns of key performance measures which form part of our agreed Performance Framework monitored by Scottish Government. Information includes performance data on access to service, a breakdown of outcomes of calls and a series of visualisations showing longer trends of data.

NHS 24 111 Operational Statistics

15/08/2024 09:30

This release by NHS 24 provides a weekly update of key statistics relating to 111 service. The file includes a daily and weekly breakdowns of key performance measures which form part of our agreed Performance Framework monitored by Scottish Government. Information includes performance data on access to service, a breakdown of outcomes of calls and a series of visualisations showing longer trends of data.

NHS 24 111 Operational Statistics

22/08/2024 09:30

This release by NHS 24 provides a weekly update of key statistics relating to 111 service. The file includes a daily and weekly breakdowns of key performance measures which form part of our agreed Performance Framework monitored by Scottish Government. Information includes performance data on access to service, a breakdown of outcomes of calls and a series of visualisations showing longer trends of data.

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